If you are interested in learning more about Veeam Software from the Masters your journey has ended. This compilation of Master Tricks for Installation, Configuration and Troubleshooting will be worth your time.
Get this book now, for free if you like, or spend any amount you like if you think it’s worth it. And trust me, it is!
We’ve published this book at Leanpub. One of the major advantages is that we can update the book as soon as something should change. Like for example, if there is a new update for Veeam Backup & Replication, and something looks a little different than it did before. Or if there are new features. You can always get the most recent version of this book in a digital version. To mention, it’s not a hard copy, not a printed book. It’s really a digital document. But you can read it on any device, at any place, at any time.
Master Veeam Tricks – Volume 1
The Book |
This book is a compilation of Veeam topics written by experts from around the world. Topics include troubleshooting, installation, vendor configurations (Nutanix, Amazon Web Services, StarWind, Microsoft Azure, and NetApp), and much more. The authors in the list are some of the most widely respected Virtualization professionals in their industry and the fact that they all came together for a book like this is impressive. Each of them is a member of the prestigious Veeam Vanguard program that has a mere 50+ members worldwide.
What you will learn by reading this book is some of their Master Tricks for working with Veeam Software. We know that you will enjoy the book and be left wondering “When is Volume 2 or 3 coming out”. |
The Authors |
Dave Kawula, Cristal Kawula, Markus Kraus, Didier Van Hoye, Karl Widmer, Craig Dalrymple, Mike Conjoice, Eugene Kashperovetskyi, and Ian Sanderson |
The idea was born…
The idea of writing a book was born during our Veeam Vanguard Summit 2018 in Prague. We’re proud to have two famous community experts in our rows. Dave and Cristal Kawula taught us how to write stuff, tools you could use, for example, tools for grammar, online platforms for publishing etc. It was a great session they presented us with so many interesting things and cool tips!
After the official part of their session, Dave and Cristal announced that they would like to write a book about mastering Veeam, with tips and tricks from the experts. And with experts, they meant us, the Veeam Vanguards. What an announcement! The people were surprised by that, that there would be the opportunity to work together on a book! So all the Vanguards did their best and brought in their knowledge for that book.
How we did that
The idea was that Vanguards, who would like to participate in this book, will bring in their knowledge and share it with the people. As this was a fast-publishing book project there was no time to write new articles and chapters. The Vanguards took their great blog posts and brought them in a form which then was used by Dave and Cristal for the chapters in the book. I was delighted when Dave and Cristal accepted my two articles about using Starwind VTL with AWS S3 in Veeam and Configure Azure Direct Restore with Veeam 9.5. There are so many great articles in this book, from PowerShell through troubleshooting to installation tips and tricks.
What’s next?
There is at least a chance of Volume 2 or even Volume 3 of this book. With the update 4 for Veeam Backup & Replication, there are also some cool new features. And why not have them all in a book for reference?
Stay tuned!